Service Offerings

1:1 Executive & Leadership Coaching

One-on-one executive and leadership coaching tailored to your specific needs.

  • Coaching engagements typically last for a 6-month period of time and include bi-weekly sessions held in person, by phone, or via virtual meeting.
  • Engagements are data-informed and typically begin with both qualitative inputs and quantitative assessment of needs.
  • Regular sessions follow the data and are customized to meet your unique leadership needs and growth challenges.
  • Coaching {oftentimes} can help you go further, faster than you could on your own.

Cohort-style Group Coaching

Laser-focused coaching delivered in a small group format (ideal group size=3).

In some situations, it can be beneficial to do coaching work with other leaders in a small group format. Cohort-style small group coaching offers many of the same benefits of 1:1 coaching.

  • Cohort members always receive laser-focused 1:1 coaching even while participating in group session work.
  • Cohort members receive the added benefit of increased perspective gained from the other leaders in their cohort who are typically performing in similar roles & facing comparable and relevant leadership challenges.
  • Cohort members share the opportunity to observe the coaching process ‘in action’ while also gaining valuable coaching skills that they can begin to practice within your cohort and on the job throughout the engagement.

Group-based coaching can be done with members of intact teams.  It can also work well with a carefully curated group of leaders from different teams or organizations who want to learn together and share the cost of a multi-month coaching engagement.

Consulting for Leadership Team Effectiveness and Org-Performance Challenges

Leadership Team interventions aimed at uncovering performance challenges and unlocking the full potential of an intact team.

  • From time to time, Maria is contracted to work with an intact leadership team that wants to achieve higher levels of performance and impact together.
  • Using a combination of upfront assessment & diagnostic tools, ongoing team observations, 1:1 and small group coaching, and leadership skill training modules, we can typically uncover the specific obstacles that are really getting in the way of a leadership team’s performance and help resolve them.
  • Common problem areas that MG Leadership often helps teams improve around include: communication effectiveness, problem solving & decision making routines, time utilization & prioritization skills, change leadership, and conflict management.

Talent Development Advisory Services (vision, mission, strategies & solutions)

For decades, corporate leaders have been saying that “people are our greatest asset.” If that statement holds truth for you, then having a clear talent development philosophy, strategy, and solution set in place can be one of the most valuable investments you can make in the continued success of your company. MG Leadership can help.

  • Want to do a “deep dive” assessment of the current state of your company’s talent development strategy & approach?
  • Have an envisioned future in mind but not sure how to achieve it?
  • Want to be better but not sure what’s competitive or what “good looks like?”

Having spent years of her career in corporate learning and leadership development roles, Maria has the experience, perspective, and resource connections you might need to put your Talent Development strategy under the microscope.

Let’s talk about your goals and objectives and see if Talent Development Advisory services could be a good fit for you and your company today.

Diagnostic & Assessment Services

All services offered are informed by assessments and diagnostics.

MG Leadership uses assesment insights to help us build a strong business case for behavioral change and engage in data-driven development work together. The type of assessments we use will vary based on the needs and goals of each unique engagement, but will typically include one or more of the following:

  • interview-style qualitative assessments used to collect confidential feedback and perspective from a small group of your key sponsors and stakeholders
  • competency-aligned self-assessments and/or multi-rater feedback assessments used to assess your skill level on some of the key leadership capabilities known to be most correlated with leadership success in the volatile world leaders operate in today
  • personality-based assessments used to help us understand behavioral motivations and more of the “why” behind the actions you take and how you lead
  • work-style assessments used to help us check in on your typical patterns and tendencies related to communications, change readiness and learning agility, and conflict.